the flavor
Our products are valued for their high quality, juiciness, aroma, flavor and texture
Squeeze the flavor
Our products are valued for their high quality, juiciness, aroma, flavor and texture
About Us
Who we are
We are a citrus company based in Tamaulipas, Mexico founded in 1991, we grow lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Our main product is fresh lemons.
Our Mission is to commercialize products that satisfies the needs of our customers and continue being a source of employement in the rural areas of the region.
In 1991 CITRO SEL S.A. de C.V. was founded as a family company and had as an objective to become a leader and to encourage the marketing of the citrus products of the region.
After becoming a consolidated citrus company in the national market, on 2000 CITROSEL expands horizons internationally in order to begin to export fresh lemons into different cities of the United States.
Pre-selection Area
Here is where we receive our lemons in their natural color and then they are selected by quality.
Selection Team
They select the lemon by grade. Fancy or Choice.
The lemons are packed manually. By hand not with machines, with this we improve our quality because of our employee training technique.
Our Team
They have color uniforms depending of the area they are located:
Valencia Orange
Early and mid-season varieties
Navel Orange
Grapefruit Ruby Red
Grapefruit Rio Red
Lemon sizes 75, 95, 115, 140, 165,
200, and 235. Qualities Fancy,
Choice and Standard.
Contact us
Company Address
Our Packing House is located in the citrus area of Tamaulipas, on the kilometer 37.5 highway Ciudad Victoria-Monterrey and the administrative office is located on Carrera Torres St. Nº 204, in the central zone of Ciudad Victoria. The capital city of Tamaulipas, Mexico.
300 km McAllen, Texas, USA border.
500 km Laredo, Texas, USA border.
250 km Altamira Port, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
1000 km Manzanillo Port, Colima, Mexico.
Contact Us